Agenda Overview



The RGoZ has implemented various development programme and project that address the problem of poverty and hunger in Zanzibar. The instruments to guide the poverty interventions have been put in place to facilitate the policy framework for economic and social transformation. More specifically the RGoZ has formulated the Strategy to put innovative actions for the implementation of variousinterventionsso asto increase production and productivity, rural incomes, attaining national and household food security and support overall economic growth. In principle, such an approach allows transparent and coordinated budgeting and funding, and should therefore bring consistency and synergies to achieve not only common objectives but also sustainable development. This requires having in place a comprehensive M&E system that will enable assessments to be undertaken of actual progress of sectoral and programme implementation as well as periodic reviews of relevance, efficiency, usefulness, impact and sustainability of all interventions in relation to its stated goal and objectives.

M&E has therefore shifted from being implementation based (concerned with the implementation of activities) to being results-based (assessing if real changes have occurred). Monitoring implementation in MKUZA III focuses on the inputs, outputs, outcome and impact which include specific products and services.

Objectives of the MKUZA III

The overall objective of the guideline is to provide guidance that will enable stakeholders to track progress on the implementation of interventions under the response of the MKUZA III. It as well helps ZPC and other stakeholders to understand the procedure that can be used to monitor the progress, efficiency and to evaluate the effectiveness of sector interventions from different interventions.

Advantage of the MKUZA III

  • To align the reporting system with national requirement.
  • To guide the MKUZA III implementers on how to collect, analyse and report to ZPC.
  • To meet the national, regional and international reporting requirements on the implementations of the national, regional and international interventions including the reporting of the implementation of the SDGs
  • Outline monitoring, evaluation, data collection and reporting roles of all stakeholders so as to facilitate sound decision-making and strengthen coordination of activities in MKUZA III.

Key Indicator of the MKUZA III

  • Job Creation and Employment
  • Women Empowerment
  • Job Creation and Employment

Current Progress

Publication Reports



The post-2015 Global development agenda of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was adopted by world leaders in September 2015 during the 70th session of the UN General Assembly. The Revolutionary Government Zanzibar (RGoZ) has been committed to implementing and actively engaged in pursuing and achieving the Global 2030 Agenda of SDGs, Regional and National development agenda in order to bring the state into middle income level parallel with ending all forms of poverty and fighting with violence while ensuring that no one is left behind. To meet the commitment of Global 2030 Agenda, more data is needed as an evidence base which enable the Zanzibar Planning Commission (ZPC) to track the progress made towards achieving the targets of MKUZA III and SDGs. Therefore, involvement of all stakeholders including the Government, private sector, civil society organizations (CSOs), and international development partners is needed to smooth the role of ZPC who is responsible for coordinating, implementing and safeguarding of SDGs.

Mainstreaming SDGs

SDGs have been mainstreamed in the National development plans namely Zanzibar Vision 2020 which is implemented through successive short-term plans of five years period. Therefore, implementation of SDGs is realized through implementation of these short term plans currently known as MKUZA III.


Several efforts have been undertaken for mainstreaming the SDGs including:

  • Domestication of SDGs indicators
  • Undertaking the assessment for availability of SDGs data reporting
  • Undertaking assessment of national capacity to produce data for SDGs reporting (public and private institutions)
  • Adaptation of metadata for SDGs indicators
  • Adoption of Advanced Data Planning Tool (ADAPT)

Currently, Zanzibar adopt 190 SDGs indicators whereby 156 indicators don’t have baseline data yet and 34 indicators have at least baseline data but not in the required disaggregation level. OCGS with the support of UNDP realized that there is no data for monitoring SDGs from Private Sectors while for Government Entities data are not uniform and have a number of shortcomings including lack of proper data collection tools. Also, under the support of UNFPA, OCGS adapted metadata for 78 SDGs indicators and succeeded to improve the metadata for MKUZA III and have been already entered in the Advanced Data Planning Tool for mapping process. These will results to data roadmap for SDGs monitoring.

ABOUT Agenda 2020


ABOUT Agenda 2063
